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Technique to fall asleep in 2 minutes

We share a technique to fall asleep in two minutes. It was developed in the military and soldiers were instructed to allow them to fall asleep anytime, anywhere, even on the battlefield! The soldiers' circumstances are extreme, uncomfortable and there is a lot of noise. Still this technique works.

According to the research, the technique was used mainly by airplane pilots and they need to have 100% concentration and reflexes. As we all know, lack of sleep and rest causes these faculties to decline.

We explain step by step what this simple technique consists of

First thing: Calm down and relax the body, from head to toe. Lying on your back, for example.

Start by relaxing the muscles of your face. Relax the muscles of your forehead, eyes, cheeks, jaw and tongue, while you focus on your breathing.

Now move on to your neck and shoulders. Check that your shoulders are not tense, lower them as much as possible and keep your arms relaxed at your sides, including your hands and fingers.

(Imagine a sensation of heat that goes down from your head to the tips of your fingers)

Next, breathe deeply, exhale slowly, relaxing your chest, stomach, thighs, knees, legs and feet.

(Imagine again that feeling of warmth that goes from your heart to the tips of your fingers).

Keep your mind clear and free of any stressful thoughts. To do this, think about two scenarios:

  • You are lying in a canoe on a very calm lake with only the clear sky above you.

  • You are lying in a black velvet hammock in a dark room.

When you start to get distracted or think about something else: Repeat these words ten times “Don't think” “Don't think” “Don't think”…

That's the technique! You have to practice it every night for six weeks.

96% of people who control this technique are able to fall asleep within two minutes of closing their eyes.

This technique has become well known and has gone viral thanks to Justin Agustin, a fitness expert. Other sources refer to a book called “Relax and Win: Championship Performance”, published in 1981, from which the technique was taken.

We are going to try it. Tell us if it works for you




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