
Books to give this Christmas
Giving books at Christmas is always a good idea. Share the reading and get it shared with you. In some articles we have talked about the...
Educamos en Familia
Dec 11, 20235 min read

Story to reflect on: Wrinkles - Pablo Sacristán
It was a sunny autumn day the first time Barbara noticed that Grandpa had a lot of wrinkles, not only on his face, but everywhere.-...
Educamos en Familia
Sep 8, 20233 min read

Story to reflect on: Half the blanket
Don Roque was already an old man when his wife died; for many years he had worked hard to raise his family. His greatest wish was to see...
Educamos en Familia
Aug 4, 20233 min read

Books to read with grandparents
One of children's favorite activities is having stories read to them. We have developed a selection of books and stories to share with...
Educamos en Familia
Aug 8, 20223 min read

Books to prevent and talk about bullying
A very useful tool to address the issue of bullying from a very early age is through stories and tales. CHILDREN UNDER 6 YEARS El...
Educamos en Familia
May 5, 20224 min read